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Our Services

We offer a variety of copyediting and writing services to fit your project's needs. All genres of fiction are welcomed. Masterpiece Editorial Services specializes in romance, science fiction, and mystery. All forms of story are accepted for editing, including novel, novella, and short story. Our nonfiction editing focuses on memoir, mental health, and self-help in novel, essay, article, and presentation forms. We are open to discussing any project to see if we would be a good fit to work together. 

Free Download! 12 Writing Tips You Can Start Using Now to Improve Your Writing!

Light Copyediting

This level of copyediting is a light touch. This service will check your manuscript for correct grammar and usage, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, hyphenation, abbreviations, number style, matching of pronouns, and ensures consistency of style throughout the document. Any wordy or convoluted passages will be queried for the author to review and rewrite as needed. The editor will not rewrite anything at this level of editing. For fiction, this will include consistency of characters, plot, timeline, and attributes. For nonfiction, this will include table of contents, footnotes/endnotes, bibliography, numbering of tables and illustrations, and checking for permissions. 

Medium Copyediting

This is a more involved level of copyediting that includes the elements of a light copyedit. Included in this level is checking for parallelism, editing jargon, cliches, and biased language, and light rewriting in author's voice of awkward or wordy patches. Queries are added to ask the author to clarify points and to inform the author of rewriting for the author to approve or reject. 

Heavy Copyediting

This is the most intensive level of copyediting that includes the elements of a medium copyedit and adds a significant amount of rewriting in the author's voice, checking for facts and plagiarism, rearranging sentences or paragraphs to improve flow, and ensuring a consistent tone throughout the manuscript. 

All copyediting levels are $45 per hour.


Do you want to tell the story of their life but don't feel you have the writing skills or the time to put your thoughts down on paper? Instead of doing it yourself, you can hire me as a ghostwriter! I will interview you to get a sense of your voice and the way you tell stories and to get the important events of your life you want included in your book. Once written, the manuscript will be professionally edited, and your name will appear as the author! No one will know someone else wrote it unless you tell them! You will end up with a beautiful book to share with your family and loved ones, or even shop to a publisher. 

Flat rate fee starting at $15,000 depending on length of manuscript desired. 

Book Evaluation

This comprehensive review of your manuscript will provide an in-depth analysis examining the manuscript's structure, story, and style. The report will include highlights of strengths, weak areas, and suggestions for improvement. We will review the report in a 90-minute phone or video call. 

Flat rate fee $500 - $800 depending on length of manuscript. 

Free Consultation Meeting

Every project will start with a free consultation call so we can get on the same page about what services you're looking for, your timeline, and to ensure that this will be the best fit to work together to achieve your goals. 

What Clients Are Saying

Old Book

Dr. Loree Johnson, LMFT, Infertility Grief and Trauma, PESI 

"Jessica was the copyeditor for my slide presentation for continuing education course with a nationwide audience. Jessica helped me refine the text to ensure consistency in data presentation thus helping me feel more confident speaking to a national audience. She was easy to work with and provided invaluable feedback. I highly recommend!"

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